Fred Clements
All articles by Fred Clements
There is some apparent movement on the problem of brick-and-mortar businesses being required to collect sales tax while internet retailers often do not.
Are casual bike consumers being frightened away from bike shops because of sticker shock?
Weather will continue to play an important role in the U.S. bicycle business in 2014, but other issues are driving a continuing soft market, according to a new analysis from the Gluskin Townley Group.
Bicycles are emerging as a new target for conservatives in the ongoing "culture wars" in America.
A defensive response is not going to win us any battles.
If we agree with Amazon's Jeff Bezos that complaining is not a strategy, what are some strategies that will lead to success for bike shops with physical locations?
A small but resolute group of bicycle industry leaders stormed Capitol Hill Wednesday to make the case for the bicycle business as a creator of jobs and commerce that benefits the U.S. economy.
It is outrageous that the federal government continues to give the middle finger to brick-and-mortar businesses across the country by failing to fix a broken sales tax system.
Many believe that buying from local independent businesses is a good thing, but is there credible research to back that up?
A British market study shows that retail staff members are the key to making customers feel comfortable while shopping, and also cause them to buy and spend more.
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