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2020 Taichung Bike Week Scheduling Remains Unchanged

Published May 26, 2020

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In response to numerous queries from bicycle industry members, the coordinating team behind Taichung Bike Week (TBW) has announced that they are still currently planning to go ahead with this year's TBW as scheduled from September 22 – 25, 2020.

Numerous bike exhibitions have been canceled or delayed this year due to the global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Most recently, Eurobike organizers, announced that this year's Eurobike show in Friedrichshafen will be put back until November 24 – 26, 2020. However, after much discussion with bike industry exhibitors and buyers the parties involved in coordinating TBW have decided that, if appropriate adjustments are made based on the epidemic situation, TBW can be held successfully without a schedule change. The coordinating team has agreed to monitor the global pandemic situation closely and make any further changes as necessary.

If Taichung Bike Week goes ahead as scheduled, it will be the first major bike industry event to take place this year.


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