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Saris promotes Danielle Petta to Director of Infrastructure

Published February 22, 2022

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Madison, Wis. – Saris has promoted Danielle Petta from Director of Human Resources to Director of HR and Director of Infrastructure. Petta will oversee the bike parking, bike maintenance, and bike mobility products.

Danielle graduated from the University of Wisconsin and has spent the last eight years as the Director of Human Resources at Saris.

"I love working in the bike industry because our mission is so much larger than ourselves and so critical. For whatever reason people choose to ride, we are working to improve the greater good through the bicycle. Bicycling infrastructure is critical to supporting this mission. I am thrilled to be a part of it all," Petta said.

"Danielle is a compassionate leader. She's extremely thoughtful, driven, and wicked smart. She's a difference maker and I'm excited to see her lead the infrastructure business," Saris CEO Chris Fortune. 

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