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Niner Bikes Moves To New Location In Fort Collins, Colorado

Published October 10, 2024

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FORT COLLINS, Colo., (October 10, 2024) – Niner Bikes today announced that it is leasing a new office location in Fort Collins as the brand prepares to release new products in 2025. The move strengthens the commitment parent company United Wheels Inc., has shown for the continued growth of the Colorado-based brand.

 To facilitate the move, United Wheels and Niner team members spent last week together packing, moving, and building out the new office space. During this process the team was able to identify excess parts (e.g., wheels, tires, and saddles) and frames that were no longer needed for the business and donated them to the local non-profit, Fort Collins Bike Co-op, while extra shop benches were given to SendTown Bike Club, a non-profit youth cycling organization.

“We felt it important to maintain our roots in Fort Collins, Colorado, where the brand matured,” said Jeff Weiss, Niner General Manager. “Our heritage and essence are in the mountains, and as we plan for our future there is no better place to develop and test our bikes than right outside our front door.”

While the core teams will remain in Fort Collins, operational and finance teams were integrated into the United Wheels headquarters in Miamisburg, Ohio, as planned.

“We have an incredibly passionate team here in Fort Collins, and we cannot wait to unleash new, innovative bikes that you’ve come to expect from Niner,” added Samantha Boon, Niner Marketing Manager. “We plan to have a lot of fun in 2025.”

Niner Bikes’ new office is located at 2620 East Prospect Road, Suite 180, Fort Collins, CO, 80525. 

About Niner Bikes

Since 2005 Niner has been committed to impeccable designs, exquisite ride quality, 29ers, and dirt.  Off-road bikes are our one true love.  We spend our days inspiring others to Pedal, Damn It.