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Outdoor industry group plans webinar on how the TPP will affect the business

Published November 16, 2015

WASHINGTON (BRAIN) — The Outdoor Industry Association will host a webinar Thursday to help outdoor suppliers and retailers learn more about the Trans-Pacific Partnership and how it might affect their businesses. President Obama released text of the agreement to the public last week.

"The TPP is one of the most ambitious free trade agreements in history and it will have a significant impact on the bottom line of outdoor manufacturers, retailers and suppliers. President Obama will formally sign the agreement early in 2016 but it is not likely to come before Congress for a vote until after the November elections," the OIA said.

The TPP would eliminate U.S. tariffs on certain outdoor products not made in the United States, while securing long tariff phase-outs and strict trade rules on outdoor products that are made domestically. It would expand access to global markets for U.S. manufacturers, protect innovation on products designed, distributed or manufactured in the United States and protect environmental and labor rights in TPP countries.

The webinar is at 1 p.m. ET with OIA's Trade Policy Advisor Rich Harper and Ron Sorini from OIA's trade counsel Sorini Samet and Associates. More information and RSVP on the OIA website

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