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Retailer institutes customer code of conduct for buying shop kits

Published October 10, 2014

ENCINITAS, Calif. (BRAIN) — A Southern California retailer has launched a policy mandating that customers sign a code of conduct on cycling behavior before purchasing shop-branded jerseys or cycling kits.

Brent Garrigus, owner of Ride Cyclery in Encinitas, adopted the policy after he posted a video on the shop’s Facebook page of a road cyclist running a red light on Pacific Coast Highway after ignoring several previous traffic signals.

“This is something I’ve been contemplating for a while,” Garrigus said of the code of conduct, “but this rider was just the catalyst that set me off.”

After Garrigus aired his displeasure with the rider on social media, critics came out saying that they’ve seen groups of riders in Ride Cyclery kits running traffic signals too.

“I’ve got to be vocal about it and take a stand,” Garrigus said. “If you’re going to wear our clothing, you have to agree with this.”

The code states that the customer will agree to terms including:

  • “I will ride responsibly on the road or the dirt abiding by the law that govern the location I am riding in.”
  • “I will obey all traffic signals and signs.”

It also states that if the shop is presented evidence that the customer has been “blatantly and consistently” breaking laws on roads or trails, purchased garments must be returned without a refund to the customer.

Garrigus said he also plans to institute the policy at his new mountain bike specialty shop set to open next month in neighboring Carlsbad.