
Why do companies keep advertising bikes that 99% of consumers don't buy in magazines that 99% of consumers don't read?

What the bike biz has to teach Mad Men's Don Draper about the cutting-edge discipline of Content Marketing.

The press is working up a head of steam towards another round of stories about how the Usual Suspects did not invent the mountain bike.

An urban cycling apparel maker responds to Rick Vosper's blog about Levi's.

In much of the third world bicycles are capital equipment. You can change a life for $150.

Periodically some corporate giant decides to step into the bike business to show us rubes how it's done.

I’m turning into That Guy I Used to Hate … The Expert Counselor.

Let's put $15 million per year back into retailer's pockets, and $7.5 million into advocacy's

It took a diagnosis of metastatic cancer to turn me into an optimist.

The most encouraging industry trend in the past two decades has nothing to do with products. It’s the increase in industry advocacy awareness and the closely related rise of Bikes Belong.

Dear Readers, There’s been some confusion among our readers about recent changes to our website, so I wanted to let you know what we’re doing and what we’re planning.

With tongue firmly in cheek, a wheelbuilder makes the case for ceramic bearings.

Why are all bike taillights cheap pieces of crap?

Mr. McQuaid, are you listening?

The owner of neuvationcycling.com weighs in on the brick-and-mortar vs. online debate

Maybe getting rid of bar codes will curtail price checking apps?

Even Vegas-haters had to admit: This was the best Interbike show in recent memory.

And what a difference six months makes! This spring, the questions were flying:

I confess: I’m conciliatory toward car drivers. And hard as hell on my fellow cyclists.  

That’s right I didn’t see anything in the product area that blew me away. And, of course, I’m sure I’ll get comments from some manufacturer that says they had the new "XYZ" wheel, bars, stem, frame material or saddle profile. Sorry I missed your freaking innovation.  

Bike racing: Meh. I used to be a tifosi. Stopped paying attention about the time Roy Knickman retired. Dave Towle would un-Friend me on Facebook if he only knew how little I cared.  


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